Thursday May 19 - Sunday May 29, 2011
Monday - Friday 12 pm - 7 pm // Saturday - Sunday 12 pm - 4 pm
Bachelor students
Interior Architecture and Furniture Design

Bo Pilo

Bo Pilo
Bo Pilo

“According to Gottfried Semper’s ‘Theory of Dressing’, fences for animal pens, woven with branches, were the earliest man made partition walls and thus the first vertical space definers. As time went by, the branches were gradually replaced by plant fibers and by threads spun from animal wool to produce textile mats.”
Krüger, Sylvie. Textile Architecture. Berlin: jovis Verlag GmbH, 2009. ISBN 978-3-86859-017-3

”Enligt Gottfried Sempers ’Theory of Dressing’ var stängsel för djurinhägnader, flätade av grenar, människans tidigaste tillverkade skiljeväggar och därmed de första vertikala rumsliga avgränsningarna. Med tiden ersattes grenarna gradvis av växtfibrer och av trådar spunna av ull, vilket producerade mattor av textilier.”
Krüger, Sylvie. Textile Architecture. Berlin: jovis Verlag GmbH, 2009. ISBN 978-3-86859-017-3

Year of birth: 1981
Place of birth: Stockholm, Sweden
Phone: 0706191519
Interior Architecture and Furniture Design